Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

Well I promised myself I would try and write on my blog more to keep records of everything we do. There might not be many pictures but at least I will know what happens in my life, mainly because I can barely remember what happen last week.
Well Christmas time was amazing with a two year old and a baby. A few days before Christmas Chris's mother came into town and it was great having her here for the holiday. On Thur before Christmas we went to a ugly sweater party at my brothers house. I did my hair like Cindy Who and Chris looks great. It was a lot of fun and Chris's mom watched the kids. The next day was Christmas eve and we went to my parents house for dinner and presents. The dinner was great and presents were fun with both two year olds. the next morning when Cavyn woke up and saw all that Santa had brought it was great. He couldn't decide what toys to play with and what ones to unwrap. It was fun. We played all morning with the kids, and then made a great huge dinner. Chris and Amy came over for dinner. Today we had to take Chris mom to the airport and got home and started putting away toys and such. It was a great holiday, and I am sad it is over. When I download pictures I will share.

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