Friday, July 25, 2008


What a week I have had, last Saturday night I started getting contractions and they were quick painful. So Chris, Zach (Chris's cousin who was staying with us for the week), and I drove down to the hospital. I went to Birthing center and got put on monitors and found out yes I was definitally having contractions. So they gave me medicine that was suppose to help stop them, but it only seem to make me feel ill. So I was examined by the doctor and found out the babys head was really low and that I was starting to diolate. So they gave me another medicine to stop everything and I ended up having to stay the night. Even though it hurt badly, and well all slept really uncomfortably, the next morning i was release on bed rest partly and medicine to take at home. Well again today i ended up back in the hospital because on contractions but luckly got released shortly after being told that i could possibly have contractions for the next two months until little Cavyn is ready to actually come. what i thrill. I love being pregnant don't get me wrong I am just ready to see my little son and hold me and not have contractions. I am excited and in pain. Its a happy sad feeling.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Birthing Classes

Tonight we Had our first Birthing Class in Fort Collins at the Womens Clinic. There is eight other couples in the class with us and we are definitally the youngest couple there and Cavyn is the soonest to be born out of the group. But other then that everyone was really nice and the teacher seems to be really good so far. In tonights class we went over a lot of terms and what was going to happen and stages of labor. Truthfully it was a bit frightening but the thing that I keep thinking is no matter how scary it is, the day will come and there is nothing I can do about it. Other then the birthing class nothing is to new. Chris's cousin is in town and staying with us for a couple weeks from Missouri, and they seem to play xbox all the time. Boys!!! I will hopefully put more pictures up before he comes so you can all see my extremely huge belly. by the way my due date is September 20th.