Friday, July 25, 2008


What a week I have had, last Saturday night I started getting contractions and they were quick painful. So Chris, Zach (Chris's cousin who was staying with us for the week), and I drove down to the hospital. I went to Birthing center and got put on monitors and found out yes I was definitally having contractions. So they gave me medicine that was suppose to help stop them, but it only seem to make me feel ill. So I was examined by the doctor and found out the babys head was really low and that I was starting to diolate. So they gave me another medicine to stop everything and I ended up having to stay the night. Even though it hurt badly, and well all slept really uncomfortably, the next morning i was release on bed rest partly and medicine to take at home. Well again today i ended up back in the hospital because on contractions but luckly got released shortly after being told that i could possibly have contractions for the next two months until little Cavyn is ready to actually come. what i thrill. I love being pregnant don't get me wrong I am just ready to see my little son and hold me and not have contractions. I am excited and in pain. Its a happy sad feeling.

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