Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well on September 18th Chris and I went to the doctor and found out that we are going to get induced. So around one o'clock we arrived at the hospital and got settled into our room. Around two o'clock they started to induce me with pitocin. It really wasn't the way I really wanted to go into labor but i was ready to have my baby and not be pregnant anymore. The whole experience was so awesome and something that I just think is the best miracle out there.

There was a ton of people that came to share the day with chris and I. My mom, sister, brother-in-law, cousin, her son, Chris's parents, my brother, sister-in-law, Chris's friends Charlie, Ricky, and Nick, all were there. Now when i was actually in the pushing stages of labor it was just Chris, my mom and of course me in the room. Cavyn was born on September 19th at 2.24am. I did end up getting an epidural, which I may say was a life saver and I recommend them to everything. hahaha.

anyways my son is perfect to me and I can't believe how much I love him. You can try to imagine how much you will love your kids but when they are actually here it is more then you could ever imagine. He is funny, handsome, and doesn't cry to much, he is also a great sleeper. here are a couple of pictures of him when he is a few days old.


Unknown said...


Mrs. Horton said...

Yay! Congrats Julie! He is so handsome!

Dream Come True said...

He so looks like Chris. I love him too! You're right it's amazing how much you expect to love them and then it's a million times more than that.

Jess and Travis... said...

He is so cute Julie! Just like his mamma!

The Perkins Family said...

Okay, so I wrote something earlier but it didn't post so here it goes again...
I just wanted to say congratulations to you Julie! And welcome to the world little Cavyn! Make sure to enjoy every second you have with him because they grow up SO fast! I'm glad everything went well w/labor. I was induced too, so I know how fun that can be :). I'm glad all is well! Congratulations!